Power of Partnerships
At Shell Lubricants, we’re big believers in the power of partnerships. After all, working together helps us achieve far more.
The Bangalore Bat Doctor
Shell Lubricants presents Ram Bhandari, the Bangalore Bat Doctor. In the film he talks about how his expertise and craftsmanship have led to an in-depth understanding of India’s cricketers’ needs and what makes a powerful partnership.
The Bangalore Bat Doctor Transcript
[Background music plays]
Shot of busy Bangalore street scene at night, which moves from out of focus to in focus.
The Shell Pecten appears on screen over the top of the footage.
[Text displays]
Shell Lubricants presents
Cut to shot of the end of cricket bat handles, piled up. Cut to shot of Ram sliding two parts of a cricket bat together. Cut to shot of Ram sanding a cricket bat. Cut to shot of a newspaper article with the headline “Will Bat Man’s Magic work on Sachin, Viru?”. Cut to shot of a cricketer bowling a ball at a batsman, both are dressed in whites and are practicing in outdoor nets. Cut to shot of a stack of cricket bats piled up.
[Text displays]
The Power of Partnerships
In Ram’s workshop setting: a shot of a ball of rope unwinding appears. Cut to close up of Ram turning a cricket bat in his hands. Cut to close up shot of Ram sanding a cricket bat with sand paper. Cut to side on shot of Ram sanding a cricket bat with an electric sander.
[Text displays]
Featuring Ram Bhandari
The Bangalore Bat Doctor
Head shot of Ram hammering appears. Cut to close up of Ram sanding a cricket bat, looking down the length of the bat, turning it over and slapping it.
[Ram Bhandari]
“I have been making bats since 1997-98.”
Cut to close up of hammer on workshop surface. Cut to close up of pieces of wood and tools on workshop surface. Cut to close up of pieces of wood, tape measure and string on workshop surface.
[Ram Bhandari]
“I make crickets bats for the Indian cricket team” Cut to shot of tops of colourful cricket bats lined up against wall of workshop. Cut to shots of photos of Ram with various cricketers, stuck to wall of workshop.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Sachin Tendulkar, Virender Sehwag, Ganguly, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Rahul Dravid.”
Cut to long shot of Ram practicing his strokes with a bat, framed by the lit doors of his workshop.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Everyone gets bats from me.”
Close up of Ram’s hands spinning a bat, then placing the bat in a vice. Cut to close up of Ram’s face as he concentrates.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Not all bats are the same. They are all different.”
Shot of Ram looking horizontally down the shaft of a bat as he holds it out in front of himself and turns it.
[Ram Bhandari]
“The most important thing about a bat is its balance.”
Daytime shot of Bangalore street scene with vehicles driving past. Cut to closer shot of tuk tuk driver, driving past. Cut to shot of two cricketers in whites and Ram walking across a practice ground in daylight. Cut to ariel shot of practice ground. Cut to close up of cricketer wearing head guard, staring intently ahead. Shot switches to close up of bat being moved into batting position. Cut to close up of ball being turned in bowler’s hand, followed by a shot from behind the batsman as the bowler bowls a ball towards him.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Every player prefers a different type of balance on their bat, I see the footwork of the player and the body language and what kind of shots he plays.”
Close up of Ram looking out through the nets appears, followed by wide shot of the batsman hitting the ball as it is bowled to him by the bowler.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Is he a defensive player? Or a hitter?“
“According to that, I make it.”
Close up of reels of string, tools and tape measure on workshop surface. Cut to close up of Ram hammering a nail into a bat. Cut to close up of Ram sawing wood. Cut to close up of Ram sanding a cricket bat with an electric sander. Cut to close up of Ram looking out through cricket nets. Cut to shot of batsman hitting ball from behind. Cut to close up of Ram sanding a cricket bat with an electric sander on his lap. Cut to shot of batsman hitting a ball from the side on. Cut to close up of Ram sanding a cricket bat with an electric sander. Cut to wide shot of a batsman hitting the ball as it is bowled to him by the bowler. Cut to close up of Ram sanding a cricket bat with electric sander. Two quick shots of the batsman hitting a ball. Cut to close up of Ram looking out through the nets.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Super sir, ok, super.”
Close up of newspaper article, panning across the headline: ‘Sachin’s Bat Doctor hopes he’ll sign off with 400’. Cut to another close up of a newspaper article with the headline ‘The Batter Half’ and a photo of Ram. Cut to shot of Ram picking up a framed photo of Tendulkar from a shelf in a room.
[Ram Bhandari]
“The special thing about Tendulkar's bat is that he used to check the balance of the bat himself.”
Shot of Ram talking to camera.
[Ram Bhandari]
“And then I would make minor adjustments to it according to his footwork.”
Wider shot of Ram with his back to the camera, looking at the framed photo with shelf unit on the wall visible in the background. Cut to shot of Ram looking at the camera, holding the framed photo of Tendulkar.
[Ram Bhandari]
“This is the partnership, how we're connected”
Cut to footage of a large statue of a deity in urban gardens by the side of a Bangalore inner city road, as if shot from a moving vehicle with loud sound of motor vehicles in the background.
Cut to a shot of Ram walking down a stair well.
[Ram Bhandari]
“A strong relationship,”
Long shot of Ram in an indoor hall talking to two cricket players dressed in whites, one holding a bat and the other a ball.
[Ram Bhandari]
“needs four critical things.”
Cut to shot of Ram talking to camera, sat in his workshop, holding a bat.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Firstly, trust.”
Cut to close up of Ram’s hands, sanding a bat.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Second, passion.” Cut to close up of the back of Ram’s head as he works. Cut to close up of Ram’s hands, sanding a bat.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Next, pure love for the craft.”
Shot of Ram looking down the length of a bat. Cut to shot of Ram talking to camera, sat in his workshop, holding a bat.
[Ram Bhandari]
“Finally, a lot of knowledge.”
Shot of Ram using a cricket bat, watched by a group of interested boys in an outdoor urban area on a dusty playing field. Cut to head and shoulders shot of Ram laughing and joking with the boys. Cut to shot of two boys playing crickets, hitting a ball and running to and from the stumps.
[Ram Bhandari]
“My relationship with the players is strong because they fully trust me.”
Cut to full shot of Ram sat in his workshop, concentrating on working on a bat, surrounded by bats and his work station. Cut to a shot of Ram in the same environment, laughing whilst he works.
Cut to wide shot of Ram on a flat roof, looking out over the roof tops of Bangalore at dusk. The sky is a dusky pink colour. Above Ram’s head in the sky, the following words appear in white:
[Text displays]
Together becoming a champion is possible
The shot pans up to display just the sky. The Shell Lubricants logo appears over the top of the sky shot.
[Text displays]
Shell Lubricants
This is replaced by the animated logo ‘Together anything is possible’. Individual words fly in to form the whole logo. Each letter of the logo is made up of a different photo.
[Text displays]
‘Together anything is possible’
This is replaced by the Shell Pecten with a final flourish of the music.
The Brain Trainer | Shell Lubricants for Businesses
Title: The Brain Trainer
Duration: 2:10 minutes
Shell Lubricants presents Brandon Payne, the Brain Trainer. In the film he talks about how he has combined his knowledge of basketball along with developing sports science techniques in partnership with professional player Stephen Curry.
The Brain Trainer Transcript
[Background music plays]
Shot of basketball player bouncing a ball in an outdoor basketball court at night, with Charlotte city scape in the background.
[Text displays]
Shell Lubricants presents
The Shell Pecten appears on screen over the top of the footage.
Close up shot of basketball player passing a ball to another player and then onto a close up shot of various players.
Cut to a close up shot of Brandon Payne driving around in his car.
[Brandon Payne]
“I am a basketball trainer.”
Cut to close up shots of basketball players playing a game and shooting a basket which then cuts to a broader shot showing six players on the outdoor court with the city scape behind them.
[Brandon Payne]
“My training is partnering with players to develop new ideas…”
“…and to analyse information faster, mentally in a game.”
Cut to shot of ball bouncing in an indoor basketball court.
Cut to shot of the back of Brandon Payne seated above, in an indoor basketball court, watching six players during their training session.
[Text displays]
The Power of Partnerships
Cut to close up shot of ball being shot into a basket.
[Text displays]
Featuring Brandon Payne
The Brain Trainer
Cut to a close up shot of Brandon driving past a Shell petrol station.
[Brandon Payne]
“My primary responsibility is Stephen Curry.”
Cut to a close up shot of Shell Pecten keyring in car ignition.
[Brandon Payne]
“I’ve been fortunate to have been with him since 2011.”
Cut to a photo of Brandon seated in a gym talking to Stephen Curry during a training session.
Cut to shot of Brandon seated in a Diner talking to camera.
[Brandon Payne]
“That’s allowed me to really…”
“…develop a curriculum to teach, not only to him,…”
Cut to a close up shot of a young boy in a training gym which then cuts to him throwing a ball to another young boy who then bounces the ball.
[Brandon Payne]
“…but to players all the way down the line.”
Cut to this young boy scoring a basket and back to his reaction.
Cut to close up of two players holding a couple of balls each under arm.
[Brandon Payne]
“Power in is power out…” heard in the background.
“The players are putting in the hard work…”
Cut to close up of a tablet displaying basketball game analytics on the screen.
[Brandon Payne]
“…I’m in the background you know, making things happen.”
Cut to close up of Brandon talking to his players.
Cut to close ups of two players listening to Brandon’s advice.
Cut to several shots of both players bouncing two balls either side whilst practicing and developing their footwork.
[Brandon Payne]
“Being fast mentally is just as important if not more important than being explosive and fast, physically.”
Cut to several shots of a player developing his timing skills by bouncing a ball and touching colour lights when they flash up on the wall ‘Fitlight’ training machine – showing reflections of colour lights on his face when they change.
[Brandon Payne]
“Everybody’s big, everybody’s fast.”
“So, a lot of my training is based on decision making and getting players to communicate from their brain to their body, quickly and efficiently.”
Cut to several shots of six players practicing their skills in a dimly lit indoor basketball court which moves into slow and fast motion close ups with one player scoring a basket.
Cut to close up of Brandon training his players.
[Brandon Payne]
“It’s very important for us to train players to make sure their body can handle all the information that is coming at them during games…”
Cut to two players training with two tennis balls and two basketballs.
[Brandon Payne]
“…and to be able to do multiple things at a time.”
“That’s the sound of getting better, can I shoot, am I breathing.” Heard in the background.
Again, cut to several shots of six players practicing their skills in a dimly lit indoor basketball court which moves into slow and fast motion close ups with one player scoring a basket.
[Brandon Payne]
“Everybody in the NBA is great. So you’re having to look for the smallest little advantage, the smallest little details to work on, and the guys that are doing that, you know, come out on top.”
Cut to close up of Brandon smiling.
Cut to shot of the back of Brandon Payne seated above, in an indoor basketball court, watching six players during their training session.
Cut to Brandon driving around in his car again.
Cut to a basketball player scoring a slam dunk.
[Brandon Payne]
“Keep breathing, breathe..” Heard in the background.
Cut to player training with stretch ropes and bouncing a ball.
[Brandon Payne]
“What makes a partnership really great is…”.
Cut to two players training with stretch ropes in training gym with Brandon watching.
Cut to player jumping up and down with stretch ropes.
Shot of Brandon in the Diner again talking to camera.
[Brandon Payne]
“…when you have two people or entities that come together…”
Cut to Brandon holding a tablet in the training gym, whilst a player practices his speed skills touching the screen when a light appears and bouncing a ball at the same time.
[Brandon Payne]
“…and their strengths compliment each other very well.”
“Stephen masters things so quickly, he is changing how the game is coached.”
Cut to Brandon in the Diner again writing notes with his laptop in front of him.
Close up shot of his note pad.
Cut to a close up of the laptop screen displaying basketball court analytics.
[Brandon Payne]
“The challenge of this partnership is to stay one step ahead.”
Cut to players bouncing balls down a dimly lit corridor.
Cut to Brandon in the indoor basketball court, scoring a basket from the half court.
The following words appear in white:
[Text displays]
Together finding the edge is possible
The Shell Lubricants logo appears over the top of the sky shot.
[Text displays]
Shell Lubricants
This is replaced by the animated logo ‘Together anything is possible’. Individual words fly in to form the whole logo. Each letter of the logo is made up of a different photo.
[Text displays]
‘Together anything is possible’
This is replaced by the Shell Pecten with a final flourish of the music.
Ram Bhandari – The Bangalore Bat Doctor
Ram has been repairing bats for over 25 years and his work goes far beyond simply breaking the bat in. He spends time with each and every cricketer, watching them play and practise to really understand their playing style and to understand what changes he needs to make to help them achieve their best.
This deep knowledge of their game, allows him to customize a bat specifically for their needs.
His expertise of crafting bats for different playing style and pitch types has seen him customize bats for many of the Indian greats, past and present as well as international players.
Brandon Payne – The Basketball Brain Trainer
When it comes to brain and body connectivity, Brandon is basketball’s go-to guy. He goes beyond skill and fitness drills - instead he creates expert individualized training programs, which are designed to overload the brain.
His training methods focus on working the brain to process information quickly. His theory being that the quicker you can process what you see, the more time you’ll have to make a decision. Research suggests that the best athletes can make decisions 12 times faster than the average person.
Brandon works at just about every level of the game, from kids at a grassroots level, all the way through to Golden State Warrior Stephen Curry. After working together for the last seven years, Steph has risen to be one of the best basketball players in the game today and the first unanimous league MVP in history
Here at Shell
Just like Ram’s & Brandon’s story’s, Shell Lubricants believe that working together with our customers is the key to unlocking their success. It’s why our business is built on the technical expertise of our people, deep industry knowledge and our understanding of building long-term relationships that deliver value to our customers.
When we work together, we are more efficient, productive and effective, so when you work with a partner that understands you, your equipment and operating conditions you multiply the benefit.
The power of people working together, bringing expertise, knowledge and relationships to the benefit of our customers helping them to perform each day. We know that reducing downtime, increasing productivity and demonstrating sustainable long term value is crucial to your success.
That’s why the Power of Partnerships is important to us all.
No matter what industry you work in or the type of equipment you use, there is an expert able to help you deliver more effectively.
We believe in the power of people, working together for better gain, bringing expertise to improve performance.
At Shell Lubricants we see Our:
People & Technical Expertise
Combined skill and expertise of our people with the technical capability of Shell’s extensive resources bought to bear on a customer’s business that makes a telling difference
Combined with Our:
Industry Knowledge
Our commitment and investment to creating innovative solutions that sets us apart. It’s knowledge gained over many years of listening and learning that enables Shell to bring innovative solutions and insights beyond just lubricants that helps them navigate the future
Enable Shell Lubricants To:
Build Relationships
Our people are committed & passionate to developing long term relationships with customers, distributors, OEMS and prospects alike.
Working with you to solve every day challenges, teaches us something new and becomes the inspiration for our innovation.
It’s the benefit and differentiation we bring to our customers to enable them to achieve their ambitions, no matter how big or small.
A strong relationship adds value to the performance of an individual or a business regardless of their area of expertise, whether it be increasing business productivity or an individual`s sporting output. It is based on a complete understanding of the needs of the individual and what they are looking to achieve.
Partnerships represent a collaboration of two people coming together to achieve success.
Click here to contact us in your country and find out more.
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