Shell.ai Scientific Conference 2024
Decarbonizing the Energy Sector through Artificial Intelligence, Computational Science and Experimentation.
10-11 September
Bangalore, India
About Shell.ai Scientific Conference
As the world’s energy demand increases at an unprecedented pace, energy systems of tomorrow must make significant alterations in areas like carbon removal and low carbon solutions to achieve the net-zero target.
This calls for the development of innovative technologies enabled by experimentation and complemented by the insights generated from computational science and AI technologies whilst maintaining affordable energy supplies.
The third edition of Shell.ai Scientific Conference provides a unique forum to bring the leading experts from the industry and academia to share their experience and scientific results to achieve a common goal. The conference will cover the themes of Carbon Capture & Storage, Low Carbon Solutions, and AI & Computational Science.
Meet our Speakers

Selda Gunsel
Chief Technology Officer, Executive Vice President, Technology, Shell

Ajay Mehta
Vice President, Engineering
Technology, Shell

Dan Jeavons
Vice President Digital Innovation, Shell

Jayant Singh
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur

Marwa Al Ansary
General Manager, Next Generation Breakthrough Research, Shell

Umesh V Waghmare
Dean, Faculty Affairs, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

Detlef Hohl
Chief Scientist Comp and Data Science, Shell

Manju Sharma
Associate Professor, University of Hyderabad

Satyanarayanan Seshadri
Shell Chair (SICER) and Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology - Madras

Emiel Hensen
Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology

Niall Mac Dowell
Professor, Imperial College London

Ramakrishna Sonde
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi

Saigautam Gopalkrishnan
Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science
Highlights from 2023 edition
Shell.ai Scientific Conference 2023
Title: Shell.ai Scientific Conference 2023 After Movie
Duration: 03.31 minutes
Description: The second edition of Shell.ai Scientific Conference, hosted in Bangalore, India on October 4 & 5, 2023 brought together leading experts from domain sciences, experimentation, computations, and AI together to discuss and debate about the confluence of these emerging fields for accelerated energy transition.
Shell.ai Scientific Conference 2023 After Movie Transcript
[Background music plays]
Upbeat Shell music
[Video Montage]
Shell logo fades to reveal the Shell.ai Scientific Conference stage and room.
Cut to: The Shell Pecten logo that is a part of the stage set up
Cut to: Timelapse of Audience bustling
Cut to: Speakers speaking on stage during the event
Cut to: Members of the audience observing
Cut to: Closer shot of Suchismita Sanyal, General Manager, Computational Science at Shell speaking on stage
[Scene transitions]
Suchismita Sanyal speaking to the interviewer
[Text displays]
Suchismita Sanyal
General Manager, Computational Science, Shell
[Suchismita speaks]
We felt that the conference was a great confluence, you know, and confluence of physical and digital confluence of academics, industry, government institutions, confluence of senior researchers with younger talent like the student communities.
[Scene transition while Suchismita speaks]
Visuals of speakers on stage and visuals of audience members observing
[Scene transition]
Ajay Mehta, Vice president, Engineering Technology at Shell speaking to an interviewer
[Text displays]
Ajay Mehta, Vice president, Engineering Technology, Shell
[Ajay Speaks]
So one of the key takeaways for me from this conference is getting kind of a realization of what exposure can do for people. You know, we have had a very vibrant presence of our students who have attended this conference, and I hope that they have not only seen kind of the energy and the vibrancy of the community here, but it's also giving them ideas on what are kind of the use cases of the work that they do in practice. What are the types of industrial problems that they can be working on that will translate the deep domain expertise and knowledge that they bring to the table to translate it into problems that matter.
[Visuals from the conference sessions plays as Ajay speaks]
[Background music]
Upbeat Shell music plays
[Scene transition]
Footages of the event space are shown
Cut to: Audience clapping
Cut to: Visuals of the Shell.ai experience zone
Cut to: Case study posters of IISc students displayed in digital displays
Cut to: Attendees networking with each other and with students
[Scene transition]
Lalitha Subramanian, Global Head, Outcome based research at BIOVIA, Dassault systems speaking to interviewer
[Text on screen displays]
Lalitha Subramanian, Global Head, Outcome based research, BIOVIA, Dassault systems
[Lalitha Speaks]
The systems level modeling, bio focused modeling and simulation has brought in a lot of industry academic and focus and students are as well attending. So it is extremely, I think, a big step forward this year compared to last year
[Footage of Lalitha speaking during the event and audience is shown as she speaks]
[Scene transitions]
Sharan Shetty, Principal Scientist, Computational Science at Shell speaking to the interviewer
[Text displays]
Sharan Shetty, Principal Scientist, Computational Science, Shell
[Sharan speaks]
But this year it was completely a new dimension. We were able to introduce systems engineering and we were also able to introduce bio sciences.
[Scene transitions]
Ron Van Benthem, Chief Scientist, Polymer science at Shell speaking to the interviewer
[Text displays]
Ron Van Benthem, Chief Scientist, Polymer science, Shell
[Ron Speaks]
My hope is that eventually by bringing this together, we can make sure that aspects like digital or in general artificial intelligence, machine learning are more and more integrated in our normal working processes.
[Footage of Ron presenting on stage and interacting with audience is shown as he speaks]
[Scene transition]
A panel with Sharanya Gopinath, Engagement Lead at Shell as the moderator, Sharan Shetty, Suchismita Sanyal and Indranil Rudra as the panel members.
Indranil Rudra, Manager, Computational Chemistry and Material Science at Shell speaking to the panel
[Text displays]
Indranil Rudra, Manager, Computational Chemistry and Material Science, Shell
[Indranil speaks]
I think for me, honestly, what I feel was really fantastic. A new addition that we were able to do successfully was to bringing the students and they were able to present the posters and interacted with the audience who come with lots of years of experience, both from academia and industry. So I think for me that was a really a great thing
Background music
[Upbeat Shell music plays]
[Scene transition]
Footage of the event is shown. We see on stage a panel discussion and panel members taking turns to talk.
Cut to: Audience interacting with speakers and speaker on stage
[Suchismita Sanyal talks on Voiceover]
In every session in materials molecule systems design and bio design, how are we using cutting edge AI/ML technologies along with high performance computing, along with Chemistry and Physics based modeling? How different industry is doing that? How are different academicians doing that? How are we as shown doing that? It has been a wonderful learning experience.
This time we were able to bring in our partners and collaborators via the Shell GameChanger program, our collaborations in the social entrepreneurial side and we brought them mainstream. We gave them a spotlight showcase in the sessions, they talked to us about how they're using Fundamental science again, Physical and Digital sciences to improve the quality of lives of our society. And many people found that very inspiring, just as us.
[Footages of the event with speakers, panel discussions and interaction with audience is shown as Suchismita Sanyal speaks]
Background music
[Slowing down upbeat music]
[Scene transition]
Visuals from the event
Background music
[Shell outro track]
[Scene transition]
Fade into Shell logo on a white screen